The purpose of the Judicial Precedent and its reconduction to Democratic Parameters



Democracia, Neoconstitucionalismo, Precedente Judicial


The conception of jurisprudence, precedents and judicial pronouncements remained confined, in the Brazilian system, to maneuvers within the formal doctrinal scope of the Code of Civil Procedure. In fact, the debate passed to its last phase without exhausting discussion of its terms in its initial phases. The engineering of precedent goes through Philosophy of Law, Theory of Law, Constitutional Law and, finally, Civil Procedural Law. A priori, a deficiency stands out from the trajectory presented by the symbiotic theorizing between Common Law and Civil Law, located in its detention to formalism, when considerations regarding the philosophy of language (Heidegger; Gadamer) to emancipation (permeated by awareness in the Frankfurt School, (Habermas) and panprincipiologism (Dworkin) were necessary, especially as a condition of possibility for the conception of a system of democratic precedents. The questioning of the nature of the elements of this brazilian precedent system model (now formally embodied in the Code of Civil Procedure) no longer persists in the involvement of the inductive analytical study being managed. The next question is, in the light of the novel Democratic Constitutional Theory (adapted to the elevation of human life with dignity as a condition of possibility for Justice): what is (should be) the purpose of jurisprudence in Superior Courts?

Author Biographies

Bernardo Luiz Migdalski, UNICURITIBA

Acadêmico de Direito na Faculdade de Direito de Curitiba.

Daniel Laufer, Dr., PUC-PR

Doutor em Direito pela PUC/SP membro do Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais - IBCCRIM e da Associação Internacional de Direito Penal - AIDP.

Maria Francisca Accioly, Me., Faculdade de Direito de Curitiba

Mestre em Direito pela UFPR, membro do Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais IBCCRIM e autora do livro "Medidas Cautelares Patrimonais na Lei de Lavagem de Direito", Ed. Lumen Juris.


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How to Cite

Migdalski, B. L., Laufer, D., & Accioly, M. F. (2024). The purpose of the Judicial Precedent and its reconduction to Democratic Parameters. Revista De Direito Da FAE, 7(1), 5–30. Retrieved from